About the Book

The American Medical Association currently estimates at least one in every five adults suffered abuse as a child. While childhood abuse or trauma is certainly not a new issue, it has reached epidemic proportion. Yet most clinicians have not been sufficiently trained to appreciate or understand the devastating long-term impact of abuse on the total person.

Praeger Publishers announced today the upcoming release of Healing from Childhood Abuse: Understanding the Effects, Taking Control to Recover.  Written directly to individuals who have experienced childhood trauma, this book provides essential information that allows victims to begin recovering from their immense pain and suffering, and empowers them to examine their specific issues in order to become a true survivor.

John J. Lemoncelli, EdD, authored this book to enable those who suffer in silence to understand what happened, take control, and begin and maintain a program of recovery. It helps those abused in childhood to grasp how their experience impacted their development and the extent to which it negatively affects their present lives; encourages them to let go of the belief that they are damaged, dirty, or at fault; and provides an effective strategy for externalizing the source of their anguish, rather than blaming themselves. The author outlines several stages and common issues that may need to be addressed, but as no “one size fits all” treatment is possible, he provides strategies that empower victims to identify the specific sources of their pain.


  • Responds to many common questions of individuals who experienced abuse/trauma
  • Addresses subjects such as self-destructive behaviors, self-hatred, and self-blame
  • Explains the importance of altering perceptions and describes the methods to achieve this change in perspective
  • Highly beneficial to individuals who have a loved one who is coping with the effects of abuse
  • Serves as a textbook for students in graduate trauma courses or training to become therapists


Healing from Childhood Abuse: Understanding the Effects, Taking Control to Recover
John J. Lemoncelli, EdD
Publisher: Praeger
ISBN: 978-0-313-39788-2
Specs: Hardcover, 190 Pages, 6 1/8 x 9 1/4″
Price: $37.00

To receive a review copy (for media) please contact BT@BobToddPublicity.com.

Healing from Childhood Abuse: Understanding the Effects, Taking Control to Recover
is available for purchase at abc-clio.com, amazon.com and other online booksellers, and local bookstores.

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